Search engine work

 Search engine work

Over time, a lot of websites were created on the search engine and a lot of content was on the Internet, which is multiple niche, which caused the user to have problems accessing data.

Someone has said “Every problem have a solution”

What we need?

For this, we need structure and accessibility. For this, we need to know how we could access the content, how to structure the content and also know content is from which Niche. At the same time, the role is played by the search engine

With this, in 1996, Larry Page and Bran started the Search engine optimization (SEO). Gradually people started getting familiar with it and started making the search engine base on the algorithm and Google saw the opportunity and started working on .Algorithm those where giving values like quality, relevant, content etc. to the user.

What is search engine?

A search engine is a service that allows Internet users to search for content via the World Wide Web (WWW). A user enters keywords or key phrases into a search engine and receives a list of Web content results in the form of websites, images, videos or other online data that semantically match with the search query. Example: - Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

How to work Search Engine?

  1.          How does the user send a request?
  2.          How does the page rank on the search engine result page?
  3.          How indexing occurs?
  4.          Work of Crawler?

Search Engine Work: There are 3 main stages to understand the work of search engine

1.      Crawling

2.      Indexing and

3.      Ranking

Crawling: - These programmers scan the web and create a list of all website. Like

            1. The structure of a page
            2.   Type of content
            3.    Meaning of a content
            4.    What it was crated and update

Indexing: - Search engines crawl a lots of information and organized the information in the best manner to give the best results and sorts the information and store in Data Base. Search engine store things like:-

1.   Title and description of the  Page

2.   No. of incoming and outgoing link

3.    Associated keyword

4.    Type of Content etc.

Ranking: - Search engine algorithms play a role in ranking. It is complex set of rule (Multiple rule and will be changed) & decide which page to show & in what order. Working as: -

1.  Analyze user query:- Analyzing the query by breaking it down into particular keywords

2.    Finding matching page using page title and description

3.    Finally present the result








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