What is KEYWORD, What is Google keyword planner

What is KEYWORD, What is Google keyword planner

what is keywords

Before we understand ON Page SEO we know all about KEYWORD.

If my website will be seen on a specific keyword, ranking, then we will have to research our keyword so that our ad is shown to the user. For this we need to know about Keyword Research. In keyword research, we need to know which keywords people are doing more research.

Like the website is about Digital Marketing course, if you have selected the online course as a keyword. Is this the correct keyword? No, it is not because it is not relevant keyword as per website

This means we have to select the right keywords on which the website should rank and show to the user. For this we have to do keyword research

Now come the point, we do keyword research on the basis of which keywords?

Firstly we know about Google ad campaign have specific multiple ad group, specific ad group contains multiple ads or multiple keywords. Which keywords will keeps in this specific group, this is a complex task, for this we have to do keyword selection

There are 2 rule for keyword research
1. Search volume of keyword is should be high that means more and more people search it
2. Competition should be low.

Types of keywords?

There are three types of keywords described by their length:
1.Short-tail keywords (also known as head, broad, or generic keywords):-high search volume with high competition
2.Mid-tail keywords:- moderate search volume with moderate competition
3.Long-tail keywords. Low search volume with low competition

Here, we prefer mid tail keyword and long tail keyword because here competition is low, it will be easy to rank.

For keyword research we use a tool that is Google Keyword Planner which show search volume and competition of keyword. 

Now we know about What is Google keyword planner:
Keyword Planner helps you research keywords for your Search campaigns. You can use this free tool to discover new keywords related to your business and see estimates of the searches they receive and the cost to target them.

How to use Google Keyword Planner

Step 1 Access the Google keyword planner.
Step 2 Choose your tool.
Step 3 Filter and sort the results.
Step 4 Analysis the keyword idea.
Step 5 Choose a keyword.

Step 1 Access the Google keyword planner

In order to use the Google Keyword Planner, you NEED to have a Google Ads account. 
Step  by step you can start keyword planner
After login with Gmail Id --->open this type of page--->click on switch to expert Mode---> click on create an account without a campaign--->click on submit--->explore your account--->now activate tool on your Gmail id
step 1 GKP

Next, Click on the wrench icon in the toolbar at the top of the page.

Then, choose “Keyword Planner”

You’ll see two different tools within Keyword Planner: “Discover New Keywords” and “Get search volume and forecasts”.


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